Men’s Vitality Screening Package

Men's health and sexual performance decline with age. Common problems faced by men involve the prostate, urinary system, erectile dysfunction and men's sexual health.

Early detection through screening allows diagnosis and appropriate action to be taken for prevention or treatment of the disease. This could well turn your life around, giving you more years of good health and vitality.

Men's Vitality Screening Package

This package includes:

  • Consultation with a urologist
  • Kidney, bladder and prostate ultrasound examination
  • Testosterone level test
  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
  • Tumour markers

Price includes GST.

Make An Enquiry

Make an enquiry or call us at 6311 2100. We will get back to you within 2 working days.

Contact Raffles Urology Centre

Make an enquiry if you require more information.

Our staff will get back to you within 2 working days.