Pre-screen Dos and Don'ts
- Fasting for 8 hours before your health screening appointment is required specifically for your blood tests, ultrasound abdomen and ultrasound liver.
- Please refrain from consuming food starting from 12 midnight on the day of your appointment.
- Drinking of plain water is permissible up to the morning of screening.
- Please delay your routine morning medication and/or supplements until your blood sample is taken.
- You may collect the stool cassette from any Raffles Medical Clinic.
- You can collect your stool sample one day before your screening appointment.
- Please store the cassette away from sunlight and at room temperature.
Submission of stool cassette can only be done on the day of the health screening.
- If you are taking the treadmill test, bring along an additional change of clothes and appropriate footwear.
- Medications such as beta-blockers (e.g. propranolol or atenolol) should preferably be stopped three days before the test date.
- For ladies - Pap smear, urine and stool tests should be done 5-7 days after the last day of menstruation.
- If you are menstruating on the day of your appointment, please inform the nurses on arrival as the pap smear, urine and stool tests cannot be conducted.
- While taking ultrasound abdomen test, you may feel some slight discomfort and the conducting gel may feel cold and wet.
- Before undergoing a pelvic ultrasound, you will be required to drink several glasses of water. Please avoid urinating for about one hour prior to the examination time. When the bladder is full, it forms a convenient path, known as the acoustic window, for the ultrasonic waves.
- Do not wear any deodorant, perfume, powder or cream under your arms or chest area as it may interfere with the quality of the mammogram.