Healthier SG

One Family Doctor, One Health Plan, One Integrated Record.

Caring as One with Healthier SG

At Raffles Medical, your health is our utmost concern. In support of Healthier SG, we are here to help in your journey towards a healthier you.

Healthier SG is an initiative that invites you to start seeing a family doctor who can map out a personalised health plan that caters to your needs. By doing so, you will benefit from having a doctor who can follow up on your health plan progress and better advise you on appropriate management, so that you can continue doing the things you love.

Enrol in Healthier SG Today

enrol in hsg 2025 singaporeans or PR 40 years and above

HSG Eligibility

  • 40 years old and above
  • Singaporeans or Permanent Residents

All residents eligible for Healthier SG enrolment have the flexibility to choose any Healthier SG-registered clinic using the HealthHub app.

6 Key Benefits of Healthier SG

Free first consultation at enrolled clinic

Free first consultation at enrolled clinic

3,000 Healthpoints through Healthy 365 app

Earn 3,000 Healthpoints - $20 worth in vouchers (through Healthy 365 app) after first consultation

Free nationally recommended health screenings and vaccinations

Free nationally recommended health screenings and vaccinations

Opt for Healthier SG Chronic Tier Drugs, and enjoy subsidies similar to that of polyclinic

From Feb 2024, CHAS, MG or PG cardholders can access selected medications comparable to that at polyclinics for medications under the Chronic Tier Drugs

Receive subsidies on other components of chronic care, such as consult and lab tests

Receive subsidies on other components of chronic care, such as consult and lab tests

More MediSave usage by removing cash co-payment requirement

Use MediSave to pay in full (up to $500 / $700) for treatments under the Chronic Disease Management Programme

Additional Healthier SG Benefits with Raffles Medical

Free first consultation at enrolled clinic

3 Counselling Sessions / Workshop conducted by our Primary Care Network nurses

Free nationally recommended health screening and vaccination

Health screening packages: Raffles Plus at $338 (Inclusive of GST) or Raffles Deluxe at $423 (Inclusive of GST)

Your Trusted Partner for Health

Our patients’ health and wellness needs are at the core of what we do. Since the launch of the Primary Care Network (PCN) initiative by the Ministry of Health in 2018, we have been helping our patients to take better charge of their chronic conditions through counselling and periodic checkups that they would need to visit a polyclinic for.

Leveraging our digital health platform, Raffles Connect, we also offer our patients greater convenience as they can video consult a Raffles GP and enjoy specially curated programmes that cater to their wellness needs.

Over 30 Raffles Medical Healthier SG clinics in Singapore

Large Private Primary Care Network

Strategically located at heartlands and shopping malls, we operate 37 family medicine clinics in Singapore to bring greater convenience to where you live, work, and play.

Raffles Medical and National Electronic Health Record Connected Singapore

Connected to National Electronic Health Record (NEHR)

Certified by IHIS to be Healthier SG-compatible, patients can enjoy seamless care with both our clinics’ management system and electronic medical records interfacing with Singapore’s National Electronic Health Record.

Integrated Digital Healthcare Platform with Raffles Medical Healthier SG Clinics

Integrated Digital Healthcare Platform

Raffles Connect – access a full continuum of health services and more conveniently from your mobile device.

Start Your Healthier SG Journey with Raffles

Contact Raffles Medical Clinics

Make an enquiry if you require more information.

Our staff will get back to you within 2 working days.

Raffles Medical early enrollment by SingPass - Login

Step 1 - Select Raffles Medical

Click here and visit the sign up page

Choose who to enrol, yourself or your dependent

Retrieve Myinfo with Singpass after selecting profile

Raffles Medical early enrollment by SingPass - Login
Raffles Medical early enrollment - SingPass QR login

Step 2 - Verify your profile

Tap QR code or scan QR to login into Singpass

Raffles Medical early enrollment - SingPass QR login
Raffles Medical enrollment step - Confirm information

Step 3 - Confirm information

Review and confirm your information

Raffles Medical enrollment step - Confirm information
Raffles Medical enrollment - Choose your preferred clinic location

Step 4 - Choose your preferred location

Choose your preferred Raffles Medical clinic

Raffles Medical enrollment - Choose your preferred clinic location
Raffles Medical early enrollment - Verify your information before submission

Step 5 - Verify your information before submission

Ensure details are correct and submit enrolment

Raffles Medical early enrollment - Verify your information before submission
Raffles Medical early enrollment complete

Step 6 - Enrolment Complete!

Your enrolment with Raffles Medical is now complete! You can make your appointment after the Healthier SG starts.

Raffles Medical early enrollment complete

Frequently asked questions

All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are eligible to enrol in Healthier SG.

For those who suffer from chronic illness or have turned 40 years old can enrol at any HSG clinic, which includes Raffles Medical, or polyclinic.

As a Healthier SG member, your chronic disease consultation cost will be $22.68* (inclusive of GST).

*Consultation cost is valid as of May 2023. Consultation cost excludes practice cost, medicine, any additional treatment, laboratory, and diagnostic investigations.

At the enrolment form, select “For Dependant” and sign in with your SingPass. With your dependant’s consent, you can enter their details, choose the clinic location, and complete the registration. We will contact your dependant thereafter to complete their enrolment.

Download Raffles Connect or book an appointment via our clinic.

Yes you will still receive the 3,000 health points in your Healthy 365 App.

Enrolling in Healthier SG is not mandatory, but you can enjoy additional benefits for future chronic disease consultations with your family physicians.

Health Resources

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Hypertension a.k.a High Blood Pressure (高血压)

In Singapore, over one in three people aged 18 to 741 has high blood pressure, while 232 people die from ...
Understanding, Controlling, and Preventing Diabetes

Dealing with Diabetes: Understanding, Controlling, and Preventing This Chronic Condition

Diabetes, a chronic condition that affects millions worldwide, is characterised by high blood sugar levels. It is more than just ...
managing your cholesterol level

High Cholesterol: Understanding, Managing, and Preventing the Silent Killer

High cholesterol – a common health concern among many, yet it often remains undetected due to its silent nature. You ...
Dealing with High Blood Pressure - Healthier SG

Dealing with High Blood Pressure: What’s Next?

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Your Guide to Healthcare Options In Singapore

Having access to top-quality healthcare affects our life expectancy and quality of life. In 2021, Singapore is ranked *6th worldwide ...