Financial Releases

Raffles Medical Group's fiscal year-end is 31 December.

With effect from 7 February 2020, the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited has amended Rule 705 of the Listing Manual, to adopt a risk-based approach to quarterly report.

After due consideration, the Company has decided to adopt the announcement of half-yearly financial statements with effect from the financial year ending 31 December 2020 (FY2020).

Click here to view or download our financial results dating back to year 2005.

Click here to view or download our Annual Reports dating back to year 2000.

Raffles Medical Group Stock Information

Raffles Medical Group shares are traded in Singapore on the Mainboard of SGX-ST.

Raffles Medical Group shares can be bought over-the-counter on the Singapore Exchange. Trading of Raffles Medical Group shares in Singapore is scripless, and can be bought through any local securities firm. The minimum trading size for the stock is 100 shares.

Raffles Medical Group was Listed on 11 April 1997 on SGX Sesdaq and 10 July 2000 on SGX Mainboard. The share price at the IPO was S$0.38.

In May 2007, the Company offered a one-for-ten Bonus issue.
In May 2016, the Company offered a three-for-one ​Share split.

Please refer to Dividend Information for more details.

Reuters: RAFG.SI
Bloomberg: RFMD:SP

Raffles Medical Group’s share price information is available on the Singapore Exchange's website, www.sgx.com.

No. Raffles Medical Group shares can only be purchased through a licensed stockbroker.

Here are the list of securities houses / research analysts that are covering the Raffles Medical Group stock.