The Siren Pout

Red lips don’t just scream glam, they also have a teeth-whitening effect that we all love. We teach you how to up the wattage of your smile with this timeless shade.
Trends may come and go but the classic red lip has stood the test of time in the world of beauty and fashion – and it’s not hard to see why. Red lipstick has the power to add instant polish to your outfit or bring a touch of radiance to an otherwise bare face. The key to pulling it off? Confidence. That, and trying many shades until you find one the matches your skin tone.
Rules On Wearing Red Lipstick
Rule #1: Know your hues
Red lips don’t just look good on fair skinned ladies. It works for every woman as long as you find the right shade. Women with fair skin should lean toward true reds with no orangey tones, while medium-skinned women look best in pinkish or orangey reds. Dark-skinned women should go for darker shades and even sport purple and wine-coloured hues of red. Says Mr Eric Chew, founder of bud Cosmetics: “To make the teeth look whiter, choose red shades with a bluish base and stay away from orangey hues!”
Rule #2: Keep it simple
When wearing red lipstick, be sure to tone the rest of your makeup down. For example, red lipstick pairs well with softer eyeshadow shades such as light brown, as compared to stronger, darker shades. Similarly, make sure you do not overstate your eyeliner. Also, remember to opt for a subtle and softer blush shade. The thing is, you want to the focus to be on your lips – so ensure that the rest of your makeup is simple and does not distract.
Rule #3: Avoid that awkward moment
Red lipstick draws attention – this attention is often good, but it can be bad in the form of teeth stains. To prevent this, lightly blot your lips after applying the final layer (it helps your lipstick to last longer,too). Or, try an old trick well known among beauty gurus – insert a clean finger into your mouth, form an ‘O’ shape with your mouth around your finger, then slowly pull the finger out. You’ll get rid of the excess lipstick found on the inside of your lips this way. Just be sure to wash your hands before and after.
Get Whiter Teeth!
Just like red lips, white, beautiful teeth will always be in trend.
Expert’s Advice:
“Teeth whitening works by a chemical reaction whereby the whitening gel (carbarmide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide) breaks down into oxidant molecules and leach out the colour of your teeth.
There are generally no reported significant side effects on teeth whitening procedures. However, some patients may experience teeth sensitivity which can be easily treated with prescribed desensitising gel, and in very rare cases, allergy to the whitening material.
Teeth whitening treatments can be categorised into professionally done in-office whitening, take-home teeth whitening kits (self-administered) and over-the-counter products. Professionally done in-office whitening has the fastest result of all, but it is also the most costly. Bring home teeth whitening kits require patient’s compliance to use the kit for a designated period of time before the results can be visible.”
A proper consult with your dentist is prudent. In general, patients with heavy teeth wear, heavy dietary stains, large fillings and who are heavy cigarette smokers should take precaution.
Teeth-staining Culprits
Enjoy whiter teeth and maintain that bright white for a longer time by cutting down on the items below:
Culprit #1: Coffee and Tea
Drinking several cups per day will cause the tannin chemicals in coffee and tea to turn your teeth yellowish or into a darker shade. If you must have that coffee or tea in the morning to get going, try to limit your intake to a cup per day. Whenever possible, avoid black coffee or tea – try milk-based choices instead.
Culprit #2: Cigarettes
Not only do the effect of the tobacco leaves stain your teeth, the habit of smoking cause the smoker to continually expose the teeth to the staining process.
Culprit #3: Wine
Dark wines such as reds have the greatest staining impact on your teeth due to the dark purple pigments found naturally in the grapes used for their production. Lighter wines have a lesser impact, but can still stain your teeth over time.
Culprit #4: Carbonated drinks
Sodas and soft drinks can have a major staining effect on your teeth. The food coloring in soda heads right to the tooth and begins darkening almost immediately. Using a straw can also help reduce the staining effect by limiting contact between the soda and your teeth.
Culprit #5: Processed foods
Many processed foods are chocked full of chemicals and food colorants that make them look and taste mouth-wateringly yummy. Unfortunately, those artificial goodies stain your teeth pretty badly. Limit your intake and chomp on fruits and vegetables instead.