Men’s Health: Tips to Live Well and Age Well Through the Years

essential mens health tips for every life stage

Men’s Health

It is easy to feel invincible in our youth. After all, we are in our prime and the vigour of youth is vitality. However, did you know that not taking good care of yourself can impact your health later in life?

In Singapore, men live four years1 shorter than women. Depending on your age, regular screening may be beneficial to help prevent avoidable illnesses. Discussing your concerns or symptoms with a healthcare professional allows prompt attention and appropriate management.

In this article, we delve into all things men’s health, and share tips on what men can do at different stages of their life to stay in good health.

Men in their 20s

Just like women, men in this age group may have not experienced any health scares and consider this the prime of their lives – frequent drinking of alcohol when socialising, indulging in late-night suppers, or not sleeping until late at night. While they may seem harmless at this age, they can take a toll on your health in the long run.

men in the 20s health advisory

Prevention is key to maintaining long-term health. One of the best things you can do is to limit alcohol consumption, as they significantly increase the risk of health conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure (also known as hypertension), gout, cancer, heart disease, liver damage, stomach and pancreas problems. Men are more likely to binge drink than women. That is bad news because drinking even a small amount of alcohol increases your chances of developing cancer.

About 90 per cent of lung cancer deaths are due to smoking. Avoiding any tobacco use is your best preventer to cardiovascular issues and cancer.

At this age, it is good to:

  • Establish healthy sleep habits and get seven to nine hours of sleep a night.
  • Engage in 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises (e.g brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming) a week.
  • Cultivate the habit of eating well-balanced. You should aim to incorporate nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. It is recommended that your plate is made up of ½ vegetables, ¼ carbohydrate (preferably wholegrain), and ¼ protein.
  • Avoid social media and engage in building meaningful social connections that are vital for your mental well-being.
  • Wear sunscreen or protective clothing on a daily basis to protect your skin from sun damage including skin. If you are concerned about vitamin D, this may be better supplemented by taking vitamin D supplements.

Men in their 30s

In this age group, some men may be busy building their career and climbing the corporate ladder, while others might be preparing to start their own family. Whatever your priorities are, remember to optimise your health because it can determine your years ahead.

men in the 30s health advisory

Going for a comprehensive health screening annually is strongly recommended. If there is a family history of certain cancers, consider more specific screening tests. These checks ensure that abnormalities detected can be investigated early before signs or symptoms progress into advanced stages where it may become more difficult to treat.

At this age, it is good to:

  • Go for a health check that screens for common chronic conditions such as the three highs – high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, and high blood sugar (diabetes mellitus). These conditions can lead to fertility problems.
  • Testicular cancer can present at this age – like women who practises breast self-examination, men are also advised to practise self-examination or consult your trusted family physician to highlight some of your concerns.
  • You are advised to eat a diet that consists of fibre-rich foods like brown rice, vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grains for a healthy colon.
  • At this age, your muscle mass may start to decline. Maintain healthy habits such as eating well-balanced meals and engaging in 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises (e.g brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming) in a week.
  • For the time-deprived, consider doing 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activities. However, for vigorous exercises, it is best to engage a fitness professional for guidance to prevent injuries.
  • Look into your health insurance coverage to determine the best plan that can see you through your silver years.

Men in their 40s

At this age, you may find that your body may not function as well as it used to. Do not be surprised if you are diagnosed with a chronic disease too. After all, one in four Singaporeans aged 40 and above is estimated to have at least one chronic condition2.

Men in the 40s health advisory

If you are fast approaching this age group, fret not. Besides good practices such as going for regular health screening, lifestyle modifications can also help mitigate risk factors and help you keep diseases at bay.

  • Stay up to date with your vaccination schedule to protect against vaccine-preventable diseases (e.g influenza and shingles).
  • Do not forget, your muscle mass will continue to dwindle. Remain active by engaging in aerobic, balance, and strength training exercises to maintain heart health and improve both muscle and bone strength.
  • If you have a family history of cancers, discuss your concerns with your family physician who may tailor appropriate screening for you. This includes colorectal cancer screening.
  • If you have been diagnosed with a chronic disease, engage closely with your trusted doctor’s advice on whether you may need medication to control your levels. This is preventive for major illnesses like heart attacks and stroke.
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

Men in their 50s

Losing of muscle mass continues from 30s well into your 50s. At this point you might notice frequent joint pains, lack of flexibility or back pain. Discuss appropriate workouts with a fitness professional. Exercising increases blood flow to the brain and can stimulate cell growth, therefore promoting your ability to learn and remember information.

Men in the 50s health advisory

Strength building can greatly impact your muscles, protect your joints, improve and contribute to your balance, which may in turn reduce your risk of falls. This also increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

At this age, it is good to:

  • Keep up to date with your health screening that includes prostate cancer screening. Symptoms of prostate cancer include frequent or painful urination, blood in the urine, inability to urinate, or aching pain in the groin or back. Seek your doctor’s opinion.
  • Men in their 50s are also at a greater risk of developing colorectal cancer. You are therefore recommended to have a colonoscopy that allows doctors to take a look inside your colon to make sure there are no pre-cancerous polyps beginning to grow at the inside lining of your colon. Early removal can prevent their change over time to develop colon cancer.
  • Stay up to date with your vaccination schedule to protect against vaccine-preventable diseases (e.g COVID-19, influenza, and shingles).
  • Another common issue to watch out for is your heart health as you reach your 50s. If you suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you may want to consult your doctor regularly.
  • Diet and exercise can benefit heart health immensely. However, if this method fails you are advised to consider medications.
  • Sip on fluids throughout the day. As you age, your body is made up of less water, hence you become less thirsty. Drinking more water keeps you hydrated, reducing kidney and urinary issues.

For all age groups, these are good practices

  • If you are sexually active, consider routine STD testing (on an annual basis) before starting any relationship. If there are symptoms of genital discharge, ulcers, or any new genital skin lesions, please see the doctor for a physical review.
  • Men’s mental and emotional health often gets overlooked or stigmatised. Fatherhood with its myriad of responsibilities and pressures can sometimes take a toll on mental health. Recognising signs of stress, anxiety or depression is crucial in seeking support and practising self-care.
  • Engaging in activities with family and friends, participating in hobbies or support groups, and seeking professional counselling when needed can contribute to better mental health outcomes.
  • Cultivating a healthy relationship with food. Take time to eat and avoid using the phone or watching videos during mealtimes. Mindful eating is an integral part of the dietary component of any weight loss programmes.
  • Stress management skills and carving time out for self-care are essential. A good start is taking five to 10 minutes a day to practise mindfulness or simple breathing exercises. Take a short walk when you can, and disconnect from devices during these times where feasible.

General health advisory for men


1Department of Statistics Singapore. 2023. Complete Life Tables for Singapore Resident Population 2021-2022. Retrieved from: (Accessed 2 June 2024).

2Health Promotion Board. 2020. Tips to Prevent and Manage Chronic Diseases in the Workplace. Retrieved from: es-in-the-workplace (Accessed 30 May 2023).