Antenatal Class
Our baby is due soon and we are wondering whether we should attend antenatal class. How useful is prenatal class? Is it sufficient just to learn how to take care of baby from the nurses after delivery?
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Parenting is a wonderful journey and it requires a lot of experience, knowledge and patience. As such, antenatal classes are recommended, as it will help you to be better prepared.
Ladies who are five to eight months into their pregnancy are usually encouraged to attend antenatal classes. If you have issues that you would like to discuss or learn, antenatal classes are for you. An experienced physiotherapist, a dietician, together with a parent craft nurse, usually conducts antenatal classes. Each of them would provide different but equally useful tips on managing your pregnancy.
The aim of antenatal class is to educate parents to know the physiological changes of pregnancy, labour and post-natal. Preparation on how to cope with physical changes of pregnancy and discomforts will also be taught in the class. Coping skills on how to manage labour and understanding of labour will also be taught in the class.
Learning from a nurse after delivery may not be sufficient. The physiotherapist in the antenatal class would be able to provide information about changes that will take place after delivery, educating on specific exercises, advice and treatment that you would need.