Health Articles
The Different Colours of Rice
Everyone has different health needs. Understanding your body and knowing your grains can help you achieve your health goals.
5 Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay
Ever wonder what are the repercussions from unhealthy snacking? Aside from common health issues such as obesity, people often forget about the importance of their dental health.
Common Side Effects of Overeating and How to Overcome Them
Overeating is common during festive celebrations, one might overlook other health consequences it brings. Understand the side effects of overeating and learn how you can overcome them!
How People with Colour Vision Deficiency See Christmas
Colour Vision Deficiency (CVD) is the inability to identify and distinguish between colours. Most people with mild colour deficiencies have difficulty differentiating similar colours or shades of a particular colour spectrum, especially with red and green. It is also often known as ‘colour blindness’.
Health Risks and Benefits of Watching the World Cup
What are the health risks of watching the World Cup, and are there benefits? Here are some ways that watching the World Cup can give your health an extra boost or leave a negative health impact.
5 FAQs About Health Screening
During a health screening visit, your doctor will also review your immunisation records and advise you about keeping up-to-date with recommended vaccinations such as influenza vaccination or pneumococcal vaccination.
Diabetes Technology: Keeping the Chronic Condition in Check
There are many different technologies to choose from, and they can prove to be powerful tools to simplify lives and better manage diabetes.
7 Travel Tips to Stay Healthy while Travelling
Travelling is all fun and games until the harsh cold hits, or when your stomach churns after feasting on too much street food. With pandemic restrictions easing and travelling possible again, are you planning a holiday soon? Here are some tips to help you and your loved ones travel safe.
What Happens During a Stampede and How to Stay Safe?
While many people may fall and get trampled on during a stampede, the most common cause of death is compressive asphyxia, a dangerous condition that happens when breathing is prevented by external pressure on the body.