Health Articles
All About Bad Breath (And How to Fix It)
Bad breath or medically termed as halitosis, it can be a real confidence killer. There are definitely ways to improve the situation, should one know the cause of their bad breath. Find out more.
Invisalign uses 3-D computer imaging technology to depict the complete treatment plan from the initial position to the final desired position from which a series of custom-made, clear “aligners” are produced. Each “aligners” moves teeth incrementally and is worn for about two weeks, then replaced by the next in the series until the final position is achieved.
Invisalign can help treat overly crowded or widely spaced teeth. It can also relieve more complex issues, including overbites, underbites and even crossbites.
Up Close with Dr Veronica Toh
Upclose with Dr Veronica Toh, Specialist in Paediatric Medicine & Consultant, Raffles Children’s Centre
Step by Step: Your Child’s Development
First, you are worried about your child’s growth and development. But before you know it, your child is heading to a childcare centre, followed by pre-school and soon preparing for primary school. You start worrying if your child is getting along with others, if his playtime is adequate or if he should be attending enrichment classes. Specialists from Raffles Children Centre and Raffles Specialists- Raffles Holland V touch on handling your child’s growing years.
Pre-menstrual Cramps
Question: My 10-year-old daughter suffers from premenstrual cramp. The pain is so intense that she cannot concentrates in class. What can she take to ease…
How to Get Children to Kick Bad Habits
Thumb and finger sucking is instinctive in almost every single baby. It is borne out of the rooting and sucking reflexes. The oral route is the infant’s avenue of soothing himself. Later, the mouth becomes his security and exploratory escapades of the world around him. Most babies eventually outgrow this phase although a few would continue.
Fall for Running
Before you start your running programme, pay your doctor a visit. This is to make sure that you are fit enough to start an exercise regime. It is especially important if you are:
Having heart problems,
Having breathing problems,
Aged forty and above.
Allergic Rhinitis for Children and Teenagers
Question: My paediatrician said that my 4-year-old daughter has very sensitive nose and nose bleeding may occur especially after flu. However, recently her nose started…
Overdose risk small for kids here
In a recent study, 44% of the participants would have given an incorrect dosage of medicine to children The Straits Times, My Your Body, 23…
莱佛士医院不久前为一个来自越南类似患上“班杰明·巴顿综合征”的女患者做治疗,这种“狮面” 长相的病症,其样貌宛如结合麻风病、皮肤淋巴瘤、系统性淀粉样变和白血病等。莱佛士癌症医疗中心血液肿瘤科医生卢淑敏[…]