7 health tips for busy workers

As working professionals, we may be so caught up with work that it’s easy to sacrifice our health to get the job done. Don’t do that. Not only does taking good care of your body helps you function at your peak, your work performance will also improve. Check out these tips to help you get healthier without major changes to your lifestyle.
Eat Breakfast
If skipping breakfast is the norm because of that extra few minutes of sleep, or the morning rush time, you need to change that. There’s a reason breakfast is the most important meal of the day: breakfast skipping has been linked to moodiness and an increased risk in diabetes and obesity.
Grab a Power Nap
While a power nap won’t make up for lost sleep, there are still benefits to it. “Power naps boost your memory and energy, which enhances your work performance,” says Dr Chua Siew Eng, Specialist in Psychiatry, Raffles Counseling Centre. “All you need is just 10 to 30 minutes.”
Walk Where Possible
The word “workout” doesn’t mean you need to dedicate time for a workout. Even squeezing some activities into your daily routine can help. From taking a short walk during your lunch break to walking home rather than taking the bus, these activities add up to improve your health and fitness.
Make Time for Lunch
You may end up overeating if you multi-task during mealtimes. “Your brains take time to signal to your body that you are full,” says Ms Kesslyn How, Nutritionist, Raffles Diabetes and Endocrine Centre. “If you rush through your meal, you may end up taking in more calories than you need before your brain signals you to stop.” Rather than cooping yourself up in the office eating and working, focus on your meal. Or, take a breather and head out during lunchtime for a good meal. This makes your meal more pleasurable, you’ll also feel more refreshed.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
The first signs of dehydration are fatigue, tiredness, or even headaches, which impacts your performance at work. When you are dehydrated, your body is unable to produce energy and its functions slow down, making you sluggish. Once you drink some water, these symptoms will disappear. Sometimes, your craving for an afternoon snack may also be due to thirst and not hunger. Drinking enough water prevents you from over-snacking in office, keeping your waistline in check.
Cover Your Nutritional Gaps
Let’s face it – as much as we are committed to a healthy lifestyle, our busy schedule may not allow us to do so. Sometimes, we may resort to eating fast foods or skipping meals altogether, which does not provide enough nutrition. If you are unable to get your daily fix of protein and vegetables, take a multivitamin supplement to cover your nutrition gaps.
Cut Down on Coffee
Having a cup of coffee first thing in the morning helps kickstart your day, but too much harms your body in the long run. “Excess caffeine may cause insomnia and nausea, as well as increasing calcium excretion and inhibit iron absorption. This increases your chances of osteoporosis and anaemia,” says Ms How.
Alternative Perk-me-up
If you need your morning fix to start your day, try eating these instead:
Vegetables Smoothies
Filled with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and coupled with high protein yoghurt, it helps to keep your energy going.
Contains nutrient choline involved in metabolism, keeping our nervous system functioning, maintaining energy level.
Matcha Green Tea
Contains an amino acid called L-Theanine, which directly affects the brain and can promote a state of wellbeing and alertness.
Magnesium-rich Food
Examples: wholegrains, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Magnesium plays a role in converting carbohydrates into energy. Lack of magnesium can drain us.