Health News
Chinese New Year Food and Health Guide 2025
Here are some practical tips that will help you manage your weight and stay healthy without missing out on the festivities!
Common Yoga Injuries and How to Avoid Them
Overstretching of the joints, muscle and tendon strains are common yoga-related injuries, according to our Orthopaedic specialists. As with any physical activity, the safest approach to yoga is to learn how to practise the asanas properly and to stay in tune with your body to avoid overdoing it.
Exercises for your body type
Choosing the right exercise for your body type may be the more effective way of achieving your weight loss or weight gain goals. Mr Lim Hun Teck, Principal Physiotherapist at Raffles Physiotherapy Centre, shares with us the recommended exercises for the different body types.
Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD)
Question: I am a 21-year-old male who used to be an avid runner, but am always hit by a series of injury to the legs…
Reduce Teeth Staining To Get That Wide White Smile
Foods and drinks that you consume daily may stain your teeth. Here are some tips to reduce teeth staining.
The Siren Pout
Tips to wearing red lipstick and getting that perfect pout. 5 teeth-staining culprits to avoid for whiter teeth.
4 Jaw-dropping Facts about TMD
Ever suffered from any of the following symptoms before? Difficulty chewing Toothache, earache or swelling Popping, clicking or grating sounds in the jaw joint when…
Makeover Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry
Today, cosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever, from whitening and shaping, to closing spaces and replacing teeth. Find out the different ways you can…