Health FAQ
Workplace Anxiety
Question: Is workplace anxiety aggravated by one’s personality, or could the workplace be “at fault”? Answer: Workplace anxiety can be caused by a combination of…
Post-stroke depression (PSD)
Question: My father just had a stroke recently and is currently recovering from it. He has appeared to be expressing sadness most of the time….
Empty Nest Syndrome
Question: My wife is 65 years old this year. And our only daughter just got married and moved out a couple of months ago. After…
Ask the Experts: Compulsive hoarding
My mother likes to keep a lot of things like newspapers, old clothes and empty bottles. When I asked her to throw away some stuff she would vehemently refuse. I had thrown out some of her stuff before and she got very upset and angry with me… What can I do?
Cancer Support
Question: How can I support my husband who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer? My husband has been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer Stage II….
Can you be allergic to the sun? How common is sunlight allergy?
Question: What is sunlight allergy? How common is it? Answer: Sunlight allergy, also known as polymorphous light eruptions, usually occurs when itchy red rash appears…
Vaginal Lubricants For Those Trying To Conceive
Question: The label on the lubricant went – “It is not a contraceptive and does not contain spermicide”. We are confused and would like to…
Can Fertility Pills Help Me To Conceive?
You should see a gynaecologist to check if you have any conditions which can affect fertility and conception. A gynaecologist may recommend tests that include screening for anemia, Thalessemia and immunity against Rubella infection, PAP smear, hormone tests for ovarian reserves (egg reserves), pelvic ultrasound for fibroids and cysts and a semen analysis for the husband.
Allergic Conjunctivitis Associated With Sinus
Question: For many years, my eyes are constantly itchy and irritated. This is especially so at night when I am sleeping. For the last half…
Myopia In One Eye
Question: My 10-year-old daughter has myopia only in one eye. She tried using spectacles with single vision lenses but complained that it gave her a…