Skin & Aesthetics
Men, Here’s How To Treat Those Problem Areas
Who says vanity solely belongs to the ladies? Having a desire to slick up can also be a man’s prerogative. Now here’s the guide to…
Look Good Post-Flight
A long flight can take a toll on your face but you don’t have to look like a wreak post-flight. Put cramped quarters, dry recycled air…
5 Popular Non-invasive Aesthetic Treatments For Men
Looking good is no longer exclusive to the ladies. More men are turning to aesthetic treatments to enhance their looks for the very same reasons…
Health At Your Fingertips: What Your Nails Can Tell About Your Health
10 abnormal nail conditions and what they can signify. Oncholysis A common condition where the nail separates from the nail bed. This usually starts at…
Beauty Crimes
Social media and hashtags could be the magic formula to achieving popularity and expressing your beauty and fashion sense to the whole world. We give…
Decode Common Whitening Ingredients And Get Tips For Fairer Skin
Having fairer skin has subconsciously become the standard of beauty in this modern era. With a wide range of whitening skincare products that claim to…
皮肤病虽不致命 却影响生活素质
莱佛士皮肤科与整容医疗中心皮肤科顾问刘美音医生说,皮肤病一般不足以威胁性命,却足以影响生活品质。旁人难以想象患上皮肤病对患者私生活到底造成多大的不适与不便。 皮肤是人体最大的器官,每个人都有可能面对皮[…]
Video: STIs – Your Burning Questions Answered
Whether you are sexually active or thinking of starting a new relationship, be armed with knowledge of the risks involved and learn how you can…
Dermatologist Dr Lynette Low Shares More About Hair Loss and Grey Hair
Some people fuss over their hair to the point where their life depends on it. To them, losing or greying hair can be a devastating…