Heart / Cardiology
Hypertension a.k.a High Blood Pressure (高血压)
Hypertension, similar to other chronic diseases like diabetes and hyperlipidaemia, is what we term as multi-factorial disease. There are many factors contributing to one’s blood pressure and they can generally be divided into modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.
6 Medical Tests To Diagnose Heart Problems
Diagnostic tests for the heart can be broadly classified into two categories – invasive and non-invasive. These tests are important as they help the doctor determine what is wrong with the heart.
What Happens During a Stampede and How to Stay Safe?
While many people may fall and get trampled on during a stampede, the most common cause of death is compressive asphyxia, a dangerous condition that happens when breathing is prevented by external pressure on the body.
What is Coronary Artery Disease?
The approach to identifying CAD is multi-faceted. Some doctors rely on symptoms whilst others prefer to screen patients for the condition so that early treatment can be initiated…
Heart Disease in Singapore
Heart Disease in Singapore Ischaemic heart disease was the 3rd most common cause of death in 2019 in Singapore accounting for 18.8% of all deaths1….
Breastfeeding – Breast milk and other benefits
Breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients for the baby during the first six months of life. As the baby grows, the nutrients in the breast milk change. This fulfills the baby’s changing nutritional needs.
Stroke & Stress: All Your Questions Answered
1 How much can stress contribute to a stroke, especially an aneurysm-induced stroke? What do the studies on this say? Studies have identified potential triggers…
The Evolution of Stents
In the last decade, stents have undergone several innovations, the latest being biodegradable ones that doctors think will become the standard version one day. Yet…