Diabetes & Endocrine
All you need to know about healthy eating at home
How to keep your nutrition in check through home-cooked meals While working from home, you have lost all sense of time as you were caught…
Five Myths about Durians
Hear what our experts say about the five common myths on the king of the fruit – Durians!
Diabetes? How Can I Stay Clear From It?
Globally, the number of people with diabetes is rising yearly, including Singapore. Let us explain diabetes and share some tips for you to prevent it.
6 Health Conditions Linked to Diabetic Complications
People with diabetes have to deal with both short- and long-term health complications that affect different parts of the body. Read to find out how…
When Your Gut Gets in the Way
When Your Gut Gets in the Way Have you tried most methods to shed some pounds but somehow don’t seem to be able to achieve…
Ask the Expert: Pre-diabetes. How regularly do we need to check for it?
What are some common symptoms of pre-diabetes? How regularly do we need to check for it?
Thyroid Gland Removal
Question: I am a 44-year-old single female. I have lumps on my thyroid area. One on the left side is 2.4cm and another on the…
Poorly Controlled Diabetes
Question: What constitutes poorly controlled diabetes? What sort of damage can poorly controlled diabetes lead to in the long run? Answer: People with diabetes have…
LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
Question: A medical check has revealed that I have high good and bad cholesterol. I would like to know what I should do to change…
HORMONES 都是荷尔蒙惹的祸
荷尔蒙即是激素,含“激活”之意。体内荷尔蒙多寡,跟个人教育背景、家庭贫富、蓝白领工作等有关,连带影响个人健康优劣。 日前,英国伦敦大学的研究显示,家境状况、教育背景及社会阶层等的不同,会导致荷尔蒙水平[…]