Have You Heard of Tongue Scraping?
Tongue scraping refers to the act of removing bacteria, food debris, or dead cells from the surface of the tongue. Tongue scraping is a common oral hygiene practice in Singapore among its population.
5 Things Dentists Wish You Knew About Your Teeth
Most people know that brushing and flossing is important to maintain a healthy smile. However, there are other lesser-known dental tips that can go a long way to having good oral health.
Are Those Chinese New Year Treats Hurting Your Teeth?
Enjoying these festive snacks together with family and friends is also a great way to bond during this auspicious time of the year. However, we tend to indulge in them without considering their adverse effects on our oral health.
Brace Yourself and Learn More About Orthodontics 101
For young growing patients, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends for all patients above the ages of seven years to be screened by an orthodontist. Early detection of orthodontic problems allows for more options of growth modification treatments in younger patients, and it is ideal not to ‘miss the boat’ for these cases.
Do you need smart gadgets? The lowdown on personal care tools
Does your toothbrush need artificial intelligence (AI)? More personal care gadgets are getting upgraded with AI, from toothbrushes that guide you on brushing your teeth to bathroom scales that offer dietary suggestions to achieve your ideal weight. Experts weigh in on the pros and cons of this technology.
5 Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay
Ever wonder what are the repercussions from unhealthy snacking? Aside from common health issues such as obesity, people often forget about the importance of their dental health.
Getting dental veneers done in Singapore
Simple Composite Veneers (Only 1 visit is required) Your teeth are cleaned. Some enamel may or may not be removed. Composite resin may be placed….
How to prevent oral & skin problems from mask-wearing
The pandemic has proliferated a new staple accessory in our daily wardrobe – face masks. Whether you prefer to don on surgical masks or washable…
Fast Facts about CEREC
Dental ceramic restorations no longer have to be time consuming. With CEREC, this can be done in a single appointment. Watch this video.
口臭是因为口腔问题,还是疾病引发?莱佛士牙科两名医生提出他们独特的看法。 每个人几乎都面对过口臭问题。跟人近距离谈话时,心里总是担心对方闻到自己的口臭味。 通过嚼口香糖、喷口腔芳香剂似乎只有暂时缓解口[…]