Counselling / Mental Health
Pregnancy: An Emotional Roller Coaster
Pregnancy is an exciting time when a new member is added to the household. However, it is also a stressful and worrying period coupled with…
有无心理病都可能储物成癖 储物症标志性的特点不在于囤积物品,而在于丢弃物品时难之又难。受访专家指出,储物 症可同时出现在患有不同心理疾病或没有任何心理疾病的人身上,专家给出断定储物的习 惯会否成为心理[…]
严重抖脚 影响生活 或患焦虑症
抖腿是一些人生活中的小习惯,但医生提醒,严重抖腿可能是焦虑症的症状之一。 莱佛士心理医疗中心精神科顾问医生蔡秀英接受《活得好》访问时表示,焦虑是指正常的担忧或恐惧,但如果感到非常焦虑,或焦虑的时间很长[…]
Let’s Help Those with Mental Health Problems
3 stories of how stress – from work, studies or relationships – can affect one’s daily functioning. Learn the symptoms and how to give psychological first aid.
Happiness is a warm puppy
Pets bring psychological and physical benefits but affection comes with the pain of farewell. This year, after much begging, the children got their wish to…
Bizarre Things You Do In Your Sleep
Learn more about common sleep disorders such as Bruxism (grinding and gnashing of teeth), sleep-walking, bedwetting, and sleep talking.