Friend of Singapore Red Cross Award
AMF was awarded the Friend of Singapore Red Cross Award at the Annual SRC Awards Ceremony on 3 October 2023.

Red Cross’s Home+ Monitoring and Eldercare Programme
AMF supported the Red Cross’s Home+ Monitoring and Eldercare programme, sponsoring 50 beneficiaries over a period of five years. This is a monitoring system using sensors placed around the home. When unusual patterns are detected or when the user activates the panic button, the Red Cross' Call Centre is notified immediately. Depending on the situation, community responders or the SCDF (for emergencies) will be dispatched to provide assistance.
Here are the success stories of how the programme has assisted two beneficiaries.

When Mdm Chan Woon Siong — affectionately known as Auntie Chan — retired from her job at the Singapore Red Cross, employees encouraged her to get HoME+ installed in her flat. Now 80 years old and living alone, she knows that she’s well taken care of in case of an accident at home.

Mr Rajoo Shanmugan was born with spina bifida, which affects his mobility. He requires aid when walking and other health complications. He has been living alone since 1985, and his greatest fear was passing away without anyone’s knowledge, as this had happened to one of his relatives. Since 2019, Mr Rajoo has lived without fear and he hopes that other elders can enjoy the same independence HoME+ has provided him.
“The SRC provided all this equipment to track my movements. If I need any help, I can activate the button and they will call me to find out if I need any assistance. They will take me to the hospital, or send for an ambulance if needed. I appreciate SRC for providing this system so that I can live without fear.” – Mr Rajoo Shanmugan, HoME+ Beneficiary.
Friend of the Arts Award (Corporate)

AMF was awarded the Friend of the Arts Award (Corporate) at the 40th Patron of the Arts Awards 2023.
Esplanade Mother’s Day Concert
As part of the Silver Care Fund project 'Engaging seniors through the Arts', AMF sponsored a Mother’s Day concert organised by The Esplanade on Sunday, 7 May 2023, at the Esplanade Concert Hall. A total of 1,466 beneficiaries from 42 Social Service Agencies attended the concert.

Beneficiaries enjoyed the performance by the Asian Cultural Symphony Orchestra and vocalists Rahimah Rahim and Elton Lee. Those with special needs attending received extra attention to make them feel more relaxed. There was free-and easy entry/exit throughout the performance, sufficient bright lights and guides to help, making it an enjoyable calm space for all attending.
The concert was also recorded for an online screening on 1 June 2023, during which another 1,085 beneficiaries could attend online.
In collaboration with Raffles Medical Group, 68 volunteers were present to assist the beneficiaries at this special Mother's Day event.
Images source: ©2023 Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay
Angklung Workshops
During 2022 and 2023, AMF is supporting 11 Angklung workshops at various senior homes and activity centres. Seniors are exposed to a full hands-on experience with the angklung as they learn to play folk songs as a group. The participants showcase their playing skills to their friends, family and centre staff at the end of workshops.

Through playing the bamboo instruments, seniors experience the joy of playing music together while enhancing their motor skills, building a sense of community through teamwork.
Images source: ©2023 Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay
Donation to Sunshine Welfare
AMF donated 10 Geriatric Chair Manual Recliners to Sunshine Welfare Action Mission.