
Elite Plan

男士 For Men HK$5,580

女士 For Ladies HK$6,980

萊佛士尊尚計劃 是優越計劃的升級版本,專為處於人生黃金時期的男女設計。

此計劃包括先進的檢測項目,例如: 運動心電圖、超聲波和癌症血液檢查以進行心血管疾病和癌症篩檢。


Raffles Elite Plan is an enhancement of the Raffles Premium package and is designed to maintain the health of men and women in the prime of their lives.

The package includes advanced tests such as treadmill ECG, ultrasounds and tumour markers for cardiovascular disease and cancer screening.

The screening package is suitable for aged 40 and above


  1. 醫生體格檢查
  2. 血壓測量
  3. 身高 / 體重 / 體重指數
  4. 視力檢查
  5. 聽力檢查
  6. 肺功能測試
  7. 醫療報告
  8. 醫生覆診解說


  1. 全血計數
  2. 肝功能測試:
    • 谷草轉氨酶
    • 谷丙轉氨酶
    • 總膽紅素
    • 谷氨酰轉肽酶
    • 總蛋白
    • 球蛋白
    • 白蛋白
  3. 腎功能測試:
    • 肌酸酐
    • 血尿素
  4. 血糖檢查
  5. 糖化血紅素
  6. 血脂 / 分類膽固醇檢查
  7.  甲狀腺功能檢查:
    • 游離甲狀腺素
    • 促甲狀腺激素
  8. 肝炎檢測:
    • 甲型肝炎病毒抗體
    • 乙型肝炎表面抗體
    • 乙型肝炎表面抗原
  9. 尿酸
  10.  癌症檢查
    • (肝臟) - 甲種胚胎蛋白
    • (大腸) - 癌胚抗原
    • (胰臟) - 胰臟癌抗原
    • 前列腺抗原 (男士專用)
    • (卵巢) - 癌抗原 (女士專用)
    • (乳房) - 癌抗原 (女士專用)
  11. 尿液常規分析
  12. 糞便隱血測試
  13. 男性荷爾蒙(男士專用):
    • 總睪酮
  14. 子宮頸抹片檢查 (女士專用)
  15. 致癌病毒基因檢測 (女士專用)
  16. 骨質檢測 (女士專用):
    • 無機燐酸鹽


  1. 胸部X光(照肺)
  2. 上腹部超聲波 (男士專用)
  3. 盆腔超聲波 (女士專用)
  4. 2D乳房造影或乳房超聲波 (女士專用)


  1. 靜態心電圖
  2. 運動心電圖


  1. Physical Examination by Doctor
  2. Blood Pressure Measurement
  3. Height / Weight / BMI
  4. Visual Acuity
  5. Audiology (Hearing Test)
  6. Peak Flow (Lung Function)
  7. Medical Report
  8. Post Examination Review by Doctor


  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  2. Liver Function Test:
    • Aspartate Aminotransferase (SGOT/AST)
    • Alanine Aminotransferase (SGPT/ALT)
    • Total Bilirubin
    • Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
    • Total Protein
    • Globulin
    • Albumin
  3. Kidney Function Test:
    • Creatinine
    • Urea
  4. Blood Glucose
  5. HbA1c (Diabetic Screening)
  6. Lipid/Cholesterol Profile
  7. Thyroid Function Test:
    • Free T4
    • TSH
  8. Hepatitis Screening:
    • Hepatitis A Virus Antibody IgG
    • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
    • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
  9. Gout (Uric Acid)
  10. Tumour Marker:
    • Liver (AFP)
    • Colon (CEA)
    • Pancreas (CA 19-9)
    • Prostate (PSA) (For Men)
    • Ovary (CA 125) (For Ladies)
    • Breast (CA 15-3) (For Ladies)
  11. Urinalysis
  12. Stool Test: Occult Blood (iFOBT/FIT)
  13. Gonadal Function (For Men)
    • Total Testosterone
  14. Liquid-based Pap Smear (For Ladies)
  15. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA – Genotyping (For Ladies)
  16. Bone Mineral Status (For Ladies)
    • Calcium
    • Phosphate


  1. Chest X-ray
  2. Ultrasound Upper Abdomen(For Men)
  3. Ultrasound Pelvis (For Ladies)
  4. D Mammogram or Ultrasound Breast (For Ladies)


  1. 12-lead Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  2. Treadmill Electrocardiogram

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Mon - Fri: 8:30 am 1:30 pm
2:30 pm 6:00 pm
Sat: 8:30 am 1:00 pm
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