Risky Postings

Every job has some risk to it. Even if it seems like a safe environment, some dangers are lurking around the shadows, waiting for an unsuspecting “victim” to claim. What’s the worst that can happen? We asked around to find out more.
The Shift Worker
You might be changing your work hours due to your assigned shift, be it during the day or night. But you can’t seem to be getting enough rest, even if you take an entire off day to sleep. This inconsistent sleep schedule can lead to various sleep problems, anxiety, depression and hormonal changes.
Working in the Kitchen
Everyone knows that being in a kitchen is potentially hazardous with all the fire, knives and sharp objects lying around, but there are a lot more risks involved than just that. Chefs can also get this injury called “chef’s foot” or lower back problems due to them bending down constantly while on the job.
Personal Driver
Being a driver does pose a significant amount of risk. Firstly, being a driver means you have to constantly be alert for prolonged periods. After a while you may feel fatigue, which might affect your judgement, reaction time and alertness, leading to accidents.
The Medical Workers
Doctors, nurses or paramedics tend to face many hazards on a daily basis. From the possible needle stick injury, fatigue and musculoskeletal pain from prolonged standing and carrying patients, not to mention their daily exposure to harmful viruses and bacteria that comes along with their job.
The office job might seem like a relatively safe environment for anyone to work in. But it also comes with its own set of health risks. Prolonged sitting can cause lower back pains, while prolonged typing may cause carpel tunnel syndrome in your wrists.